The Eclipse--"Today is a Gift"

Cookies at Provisions/Flour City Bakery

Rochester, NY was in the path of totality for the Big Eclipse today. Hotels and campgrounds were booked; schools were closed; NY State Troopers, Monroe County Sheriffs, and Rochester Police officers were at the ready for the influx of 100,000+ additional cars carrying people. All over town museums, rec centers, and various other locations prepared for an unofficial holiday.

I opted to spend the morning at the Rochester Public Market, which was preparing for a full day of entertainment. The market is usually closed on Mondays, but here were security guards/greeters handing out the special glasses and vendors with “eclipse-oriented” goods selling their wares, food trucks lined up to serve, and a stage all set for the afternoon’s entertainment.

tray from Trina’s trinket trove

Rich H. and I had coffee and biscotti at Provisions, picked up our special glasses, and perused the vendor aisle. A fun way to spend a Monday morning! (note: photos are filtered for effect)

Shirt from Little Red Door demonstrating the eclipse at various City events today. fabulous.