What's Left After Winter

Walking season is starting. If the temp is above freezing and the dew point below 62, I usually take Olive for a walk at Durand Eastman on Saturday mornings. This Saturday there were clear blue skies, hardly a breeze, and temps just under 40, so we were off to enjoy.

Thanks to the strong, steady winds of the past few weeks there were lots of twigs scattered about and few loose leaves left to cover the trail. The trees were stark, and bushes and vines were bare. Only the bones were left. I got the sense that winter stripped and cleared everything in preparation for the new energy of the year.

It struck me that winter did the same to me. I’ve been clearing and honing—with still more to do—knowing that there will be changes this year. I’m trying to get to the basics, to what I want to do, what feeds my spirit, unencumbered by extraneous stuff and distractions and things that have run their course. My “theme word” that I chose in January for 2023 is “create.”

I bring myself back to the word every day and create something that furthers my goals. I’ve streamlined this website by updating and consolidating my photography page (click on the Art section :-) ) I’m preparing inventory to sell online here and, hopefully, a couple of shows by the end of the year. I’ll be writing more blog posts on food and wine and other things important to me. I’m releasing fears and worries and inviting in good and abundance.

What would your theme word be? Does it connect with your goals for the year? Is there something, no matter how small, that you can do each day to honor the word and move forward?

Wishing you spring growth and a bountiful result.